Portage Lakes Ohio
Residents of Portage Lakes know the value of location, and so do we. Whether you grew up here or just moved in, we can help to make your current home your forever home.
The small-town feel of Portage Lakes can help you escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and whether you’re at The Upper Deck watching live music, grabbing a bite at Lagos, or watching the boat parade with your family, you can feel a strong sense of community.
If you enjoy kayaking, swimming or just having a “staycation” near the lakes, our team can incorporate features often included in vacation homes such as a luxury spa bathroom, a large open kitchen or an outdoor shower. If your family is growing and you know you’d like to raise your kids in the Coventry school system, or near the Portage Lakes State Park, Home Sweet Home can create a home addition plan tailored to your lifestyle.
Owner Ric Sir Louis takes on a maximum of five remodeling projects at a time in order to focus fully on each customer and their specific needs. With a background in general contracting and design, Sir Louis can help you bring to life exactly what you’re looking for in your remodel.
With our totally unique 3D rendering system, we can show exactly what your remodel will look like when finished. We will always be upfront with how the new space will look and what it will cost you. Homeowners are thrilled not only with the quality of our work, but our team’s thoroughness as well.
We love the southern part of Summit County and when you partner with us, you’ll get only the utmost quality and care. When it comes time to make some changes around your home, give us a call.
There’s no place like home!